The thirteenth day of February is a very special day for Dresden. For years people from Dresden went out to silently remember the beginning of the city's bombings in 1945. However, the day got also instrumentalized by people with a far right-wing attitude. Their annual demonstration slash march through the historic city center since the early 2000s got opposed by two groups. Every year, regular people met to protect their city by forming a human chain of more than 10,000 people around the historic core to show a non-violent opposition. Additionally, the yearly march attempt is challenged by people blockading the way of the right-wingers. In the recent years this was linked with considerable violence between right- and left-wingers as well as some controversial discussions about the role of the huge police forces present on that day (the constitutional right to demonstrate was enforced rather heavily by thorough clearing of street blockades).
This year I decided to photodocument the ongoings of the thirteenth day of February 2013. Below is the first part of my photo series covering the afternoon, marked by the gathering of blockers.
During the next days I will upload part two of the series covering the formation of the human chain. After that, part three covers the encounters of right-wing marchers and the blockers in different parts of the city. Stay tuned!
Main Station_15:27
City Center_17:11
Shot with Sony A65 with 16-55mm
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