Tuesday, December 31, 2013

WORLD_TOUR_2013//Part 3: Stockholm Between Dusk & Dawn

I decided to publish a separate set of Stockholm photos, because I was lucky enough to enjoy some beautiful sunsets in Sweden's capital city. Basically all the dusks were amazing: I can't remember another place I've been to where I had such warm, clear and horizontal lights for such a long time. The sunsets felt like going forever...

Fuji X100

Saturday, November 30, 2013

WORLD_TOUR_2013//Part 3: Stockholm City View

During early September I had the pleasure to attend a scientific symposium at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. During my extended stay I seized the time to do photo walks around the various islands Stockholm consists of. See how I have experienced Sweden's capital!

This is going to be a little more exhaustive series, I hope it helps to fight the rainy fall weather in Germany for a bit ;)

Im September dieses Jahres hatte ich das Vergnügen, im Rahmen eines wissenschaftlichen Symposiums an der Königlichen Technischen Hochschule eine Woche in Stockholm zu verbringen. Nach der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit hatte ich deshalb ausgiebige Gelegenheiten, die Stadt mit ihren vielen Inseln fotografisch zu entdecken.

Die Fotoserie ist etwas ausführlicher als sonst, ich hoffe dass der spätsommerliche Anblick Stockholms vom regnerischen Herbstwetter ablenkt!