Thursday, December 27, 2012


Although it happened a while ago, I can still feel the sensation of our coincidental reencounter. This is how it went:

Back in August I spent some days in the picturesque city of Gdansk, Poland. In the very last night of my stay, walking along the touristy Long Market, I heard the strange but wonderful sounds of two street musicians. He, Edward, sang arias using the vocal range of a tenor as well as soprano. It sounded like a duett sung by a man and a woman, but indeed it was (almost) just him. As if this wasn't enough, there was a subtle third voice. Getting closer to the street stage, I could see a small girl of about six years (I still don't know if daughter or granddaughter) singing along with him... I was so amazed by the fervor of the little girl, like she listened to his songs even before her childbirth. On the other hand I was irritated by the fact that such a young kid was travelling around as street artist. I assume most people around the imaginery stage felt the same, as I could see emotions from tears to disgust.

One week later back in Dresden, I did some street photography as I walked along the Neumarkt. There, I saw and heard an orchestra of an akkordeon and a singing saw. How original, I thought. Walking closer to see the artists, I couldn't believe my eyes; don't I know that guy?! And yes, it was actually Edward from Gdansk, making music in my town! It must have been such a coincidence... Talking to him afterwards, he told me that they are traveling around Europe making music and Dresden was just a short stop along the way. He also told me that they were going to perform their arias the day after. So I took my camera and shot:

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Sony a65, 50mm